Birds of a feather...

At Canard I worked as a senior designer on a small creative team where we helped entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life as well as maintained creative for two in-house restaurant concepts.
Some of the brands we built:
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Daikon Banh Mi Shop

Building a brand one bahn at a time

Slinging sandwiches inspired by traditional Banh Mi. This fast casual food concept was as fun as it was delicious. With two locations and a mobile food truck we built a cult following on the Front Range. Ask our loyal customers what they liked about Daikon and they'd likely say our advertising efforts... we made YouTube spots, stayed social, printed ads, radio spots, bus stops and more. Oh yeah, did I mention we launched this concept during Covid? What a time to be alive.
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One Clock

Wake up better

What if waking up wasn't the worst part of your day? How much better would your day if you were't awoken by a buzzer or beeper or ding-dong? One Clock is a dumb device that refuses to connect to your phone, instead it is unapologetically analog. One Clock partnered with composer Jon Natchez of War on Drugs to write music that gently wakes you up.

I collaborated with the founders and our team at Canard to create imagery used for digital advertising and designed the physical packaging.
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PS Audio

HiFi Heros

PS Audio is an industry leader in hifi audio equipment. Since the 70's they've been known for the best DACs and power regeneration equipment. In addition to launching revolutionary audio products we also got to help them bring their first loudspeaker to market. Canard acted as the in-house creative team for PS Audio.
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